World  Business and Economic Analysis 


London will host an exclusive summit examining the opportunities and challenges surrounding Iran's reintegration into the global economy in early March.

Bringing the political and commercial leadership of Iran together with major international investors, corporations and civil society organizations, the FT Iran Summit will explore Iran’s potential as an economic powerhouse as well as the political, geopolitical and cultural forces shaping its future.

The Euromoney will contribute to holding the summit with the aim of taking the needed steps for return and integration of Iran's banks to the global economic market on March 8.

Iran is undoubtedly a blessed country. In addition to its vast reserves of natural resources, its vibrant culture makes it so much more than just another resource-rich developing economy.

Its young, technologically savvy and highly educated population has the potential to propel this country into a brave, new era.

Greater demand and much needed reform of key sectors will also open up new investor opportunities.



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