World  Business and Economic Analysis 

going public,

  • Finding an auditor for a company going public on the OTC Markets and List of Auditors on the OTC


    The auditor you use within the US Markets effects drastically not only the success of filing an S1, but also for maintaining your Qs and Ks.
    Having an effective auditor is important for:
    – Filing on time and replying quickly to comments during the S1 review process
    – Filing the Qs and Ks, of which some auditors will hold out for long periods of time which could jeopardize your listing
    – Ensuring the ongoing integrity of the company to investors, the SEC, and yourselves
    – Ensuring your company gets listed due to their reputation as a professional and experience of working with existing OTC Listings
    Everyone in the public markets have been held at ransom by auditors at least once in their career, and this is a horrible experience. Usually in the final hours of having to file a document they demand additional payments and expenses, and often this happens when the other go public pro’s are long out of the scene. Choosing the right Auditor who is ethical and maintains a consistent standard of work and care for your firm means a lot.
    At OTC Listings, we as World Business Year International  keep an active list and database of all the Auditors within the United States to go public by listing on the NASDAQ, OTC, or NYSE. This database has a list of the best priced, the fastest working, the most ethical, and quality auditors with good reputations. If you are going public, you need this kind of guidance. Most of our clients have saved over 50% of what our competitors charge to assist firms to go public because of this database, and our US Securities Lawyer database that ensures we have the best team working for you when you go public.

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