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Iran’s newly elected president, Masoud Pezeshkian, has received warm congratulatory messages from across the world, including the leaders of neighboring countries and prominent international organizations.

They have called for strengthening relations and cooperation with the Islamic Republic on global and regional issues.

Putin praises “constructive” ties

Russian leader Vladimir Putin congratulated Pezeshkian on his victory in the presidential runoff and attached significance to the improvement of ties with Iran.

"I hope that your activity as president will facilitate the further boosting of constructive bilateral cooperation on all tracks to benefit our friendly peoples, in the interests of easing regional security and stability," he said in a statement published on the Kremlin website.

The Russian president said Moscow and Tehran "efficiently coordinate efforts in resolving the pressing issues of the international agenda".

Addressing Pezeshkian, he said in the statement, "I wish you success, good health and prosperity."

Both Iran and Russia have been targeted by stiff Western sanctions.

Xi commends strategic mutual trust

The Chinese president issued a similar message.

"I attach great importance to the development of China-Iran relations and am willing to work with the President to lead the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership towards deeper advancement," state news agency Xinhua cited Xi Jinping as saying.

Xi added that Iran and China "have a long history of friendly exchanges, and bilateral relations have maintained healthy and stable development... for over half a century."

He also highlighted strategic partnership between Tehran and Beijing.

"Faced with complex regional and international situations, China and Iran have always supported each other, worked together and continued to consolidate strategic mutual trust. This has not only brought benefits to our two countries' peoples, but has also made active contributions to promoting regional and world peace and stability," the Chinese president said.

KSA demands stronger ties

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman called for promoting ties with Iran as he congratulated Pezeshkian after winning the presidential election run-off.

“I affirm my keenness on developing and deepening the relations between our countries and people and serve our mutual interests,” Saudi Arabia’s state news agency, SPA, quoted bin Salman as saying.

Last year, a China-brokered deal saw Riyadh and Tehran re-establish diplomatic relations after years of tensions. The two Persian Gulf countries have since increased regular contact in an effort to bolster ties.

Iraq seeks closer ties

The Iraqi president wished Pezeshkian success in his duties and in “fulfilling the ambitions and aspirations or the Iranian people”.

“We affirm our keenness to strengthen relations between Iraq and Iran in a way that serves the interests of the two neighboring countries and peoples,” Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid said in a message to Iran’s president-elect.

Senior Iraqi Shia leader Ammar al-Hakim, a former leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and current head of the National Wisdom Movement, also sent congratulations and expressed hope that Pezeshkian can help resolve regional differences.

Other Persian Gulf Arab leaders, including Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said of Oman and Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah of Kuwait also extended their congratulations to the Iranian president-elect.

Pakistan pushes for closer relations

The Pakistani prime minister called for efforts to “ensure a bright future” for the two neighbors.

“Heartiest congratulations to my brother Dr. Massoud Pezeshkian on his victory in Iran's presidential elections! I look forward to working closely with President-elect Dr. Pezeshkian to further strengthen Pakistan-Iran bilateral ties & promote regional peace & stability. As neighboring countries, Pakistan & Iran enjoy a close & historic relationship.

We must ensure a bright future for our two peoples through mutually beneficial cooperation’” Shehbaz Sharif wrote in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The Pakistani president also hoped that Tehran-Islamabad relations will grow under the Pezeshkian presidency.

“Pakistan looks forward to working together with Iran for the peace and prosperity of the region,” Asif Ali Zardari said.

India hails long-standing relationship

The prime minister of India also extended his congratulations to the newly elected Iranian president.

“Congratulations @drpezeshkian on your election as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Looking forward to working closely with you to further strengthen our warm and long-standing bilateral relationship for the benefit of our peoples and the region,” Narendra Modi said in a post on X.

South Korea wishes Iran prosperity

In East Asia, South Korea expressed hope for improving relations between Tehran and Seoul.

“We wish Iran a path of prosperity and development under the new government, contributing constructively to regional stability. We look forward to further enhancing our friendly relations with Iran,” South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Malaysia urges fruitful collaboration

The Malaysian prime minister said in a message to Pezeshkian that the outcome of Iran’s election reflects the vibrant spirit of Iranian democracy and heralds a promising future for the country.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said with its rich and ancient civilization, Iran occupies a unique and prominent place in world history, and the potential for Malaysia-Iran relations is immense and filled with promise.

“We look forward to strengthening our bilateral mechanisms to deepen and broaden cooperation between the two countries. We are committed to collaborating on international platforms such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Developing-8 (D8),” the Malaysian leader said.

“I look forward to welcoming Pezeshkian to Malaysia at the earliest opportunity,” he said.

Syrian president hails strategic relationship

In Syria, President Bashar al-Assad expressed hope in a message to Pezeshkian that Tehran and Damascus will cement their “strategic” ties.

“We will work with you to boost the Syrian-Iranian strategic relationship and open new promising horizons for bilateral cooperation as resistance will remain the common approach that we follow in order to preserve the pride of our countries and defend the interests of their peoples,” al-Assad said.

The Syrian president added in his message, “Your country, which is impregnable as it has always been, is one of the most important countries with which we are keen to ensure that the relationship is at its peak because this relationship is based on roots established through decades of mutual respect, common understanding and firm principles to which Syria and Iran have always adhered.”

Aliyev invites Pezeshkian to visit Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s president extended an invitation to Pezeshkian to visit his country.

“I heartily congratulate you on your election as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I invite you to pay a visit to Azerbaijan to exchange views on the prospects for development of our bilateral cooperation,” Ilham Aliyev said in a letter to the Iranian newly elected president.

He also threw a spotlight on friendly ties between Iran and Azerbaijan.

“We attach great importance to the relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran built on solid foundations such as common religious and cultural roots, friendship and brotherhood. Today, the agreements reached on the future development areas of Azerbaijan-Iran relations based on mutual respect and good neighborliness and the implemented joint projects serve the well-being of our countries, the sustainable development and security of the region as a whole,” he said.

Armenia PM hails warm, friendly ties

The Armenian premier also called for deepening bilateral relations in a congratulatory message to Pezeshkian.

"Relations with the brother country of the Islamic Republic of Iran are of special importance for the government and people of the Republic of Armenia, which has been continuously developing since the declaration of independence of Armenia," Nikol Pashinyan said.

"Continuous deepening of warm relations between Armenia and Iran in the field of bilateral cooperation and stability and prosperity of the region is of particular importance," he added.

"I am confident that with the joint efforts of our governments, the agreements reached between the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran will be implemented and we will jointly implement a number of new programs for the welfare of the friendly people of Armenia and Iran," Armenia’s prime minister concluded.

Venezuela calls for confronting hegemony

Venezuela hailed Iran for its “commitment demonstrated to democracy” during the two rounds of elections.

“Venezuela expresses its conviction that the decision made by the Iranian people will contribute to the prosperity of this nation, as well as its consolidation as an emerging power in the nascent multipolar world,” Venezuela’s foreign minister said.

Yvan Gil said Pezeshkian will have the “absolute support” of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his government with the aim of expanding relations and continuing to defeat “the hegemonic pretensions that threaten multilateralism and world peace”.

Iran and Venezuela signed a 20-year strategic cooperation plan in 2022 in Tehran.

Both countries have been under US sanctions.

Lukashenko urges strategic partnership

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in a congratulatory message to Pezeshkian that he is convinced the two countries will promote ties.

“The dialogue between Minsk and Tehran at all levels is steadily expanding. I am convinced that in the near future we will be able to implement all the agreements reached, including those on raising the level of the Belarusian-Iranian relations to a strategic partnership,” Lukashenko said.

Serbia sends message of hope

The Serbian President also congratulated Iran’s president-elect.

“Sincere congratulations to Iranian President

@drpezeshkian. Your victory reflects citizens' trust in your vision for the future, dedication to peace, and desire for your country's progress. I am confident that your leadership will bring prosperity and well-being to your people,” Aleksandar Vucic said in a post on X.

SCO “committed to working with Iran”

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is among international organization that congratulated Pezeshkian on his election as Iran’s president.

“The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is committed to working with Iran to jointly achieve sustainable development as the main guarantor of global stability, ensuring regional security and a mechanism for equality,” Zhang Ming, the organization’s secretary general, said in his congratulatory message.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, an intergovernmental entity formed in 1996 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, aims to foster multilateral security, economic, and political cooperation.





Central Bank of Iran Governor Ali Salehabadi said on Saturday that the economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has seen growth in Q2 2021 despite the coronavirus pandemic and this indicated that the country has emerged from recession.

In a virtual meeting attended by International Monetary Fund Chairwoman Kristalina Georgieva, as well as central banks governors and chairs of financial institutions of the MENAP region, held on Saturday, Salehabadi said that just like many other countries, Iran was severely hurt by the coronavirus pandemic, but its economy is now on a strong path of improvement.

The latest statistics show a 6.2 percent growth in Iran GDP in Q2 2021 which is a great achievement despite tight restrictions on Iran's access to its funds abroad, CBI Governor added.

Iran’s non-oil economy grew by 4.7 percent in the same period, according to Salehabadi, indicating that Iran's economy has significantly climbed out of recession and moved towards improvement.

Salehabadi also said that unemployment retreated to 8.8 percent in Iran in Q2 2021 thanks to CBI and the administration’s supportive financial and monetary policies.

The official criticized the inequality in economic recovery among world regions and also in countries' access to the coronavirus vaccine resulting in different economic recovery processes.

No country is safe unless all the countries are protected against the virus, Salehabadi said, noting that any delay in vaccination in countries would pose a threat to the global economic perspective.

SDR allocation process in 2021 cannot help IMF member states meet their long-term COVID-19 vaccine demands, he underlined.

CBI Governor expressed support to the IMF’s new initiative to help members address climate change challenges, adding that the burden of climate change has been put on the countries with the minimum share in carbon emission.

He proposed that neighboring countries make multilateral funding and rich countries share their technological knowledge to better address climate change.



Dear Esteemed politicians in all over the world

In the name of Humanity

I do not know who you are and where are you located. Please look following poem:

Human beings are members of a whole

          In creation of one essence and soul

Les êtres humains (les enfants d'Adam) sont les parties d'un corps


Ils sont issus de la même essence


             If one member is afflicted with pain           


            Other members uneasy will remain           


Lorsqu'une de ces parties est atteinte et souffre


Les autres ne peuvent trouver ni la paix ni le calme


            If you've no sympathy for human pain           


            The name of human you cannot retain          


Si la misère des autres te laisse indifférent


Et sans la moindre peine ! Alors


Il est impensable de t'appeler un être humain


The politician did not let us to know each other. Many years ago Iranian poet said this :

 We are not politician who play with words and deceive others. We are human beings. We have been created to respect each other, understand each other, and sympathize with your pain.

Human being has been suffered from many wars which only million people killed, many abandoned their country and many children become without parents.

Please look out all wars which have been happened in recent years in Iraq,Libya,Afghanistan ,Iran.

Who are victim of this war? The only answer is people.

Where is Georg Bush ,Saddam Hussein,Moammar Ghadafi and many others who make this war?

Many people in these countries killed, disabled.

Why we threaten each other with words, wars, technology, and weapon of mass destruction?

What is the fault of children in this unwanted war?

What is the fault of students in this unwanted war?

Please just for sake of our children and our future generation respects our difference in religion, culture.

Iranian people like to Interact with other different cultures .Please do not take serious some media fake stories .Iranian are kind.


Iran Despite Iran's rocky relations with the U.S., both Iranian president Mohamed Khatami[26][27][28] and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei condemned and denounced the attacks and the terrorists who carried out the attacks. Iranians who gathered for a soccer match in Tehran two days after the 9/11 attacks observed a moment of silence. There was also a candlelight vigil. Huge crowds attended candlelit vigils in Iran, and 60,000

کتاب عملیات بانکی در عرصه بین الملل -سرفصل ها،ضمائم ،توصیه صاحب‏نظران ارزی و مدیران ارشد بانکی

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