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The Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum 2018 ,

  • The Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum 2020



    Event Overview


    Keynote Speakers Confirmed
    Helena Morrissey, Head of Personal Investing, Legal & General Investment Management
    Robert Tipp, Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist, Prudential Investment Management


    The annual Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum will be returning to London on 19-20 June 2020.

    2018 is well underway with January already behind us. For some it came with a bump, as investors dealt with the introduction of Mifid II. For others, benign conditions provided the perfect backdrop for making a head start on their funding programmes for the year.

    In 6 months’ time Euromoney Conferences will be back in London for the 27th Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum to discuss market conditions, investment outlooks and the biggest issuance pipelines globally.

    We have conducted extensive research to create an exciting and informative agenda which will keep you busy throughout the two days. Just some of the topics we will be discussing include:

        The future of asset management
        Supranationals and agencies: the development objectives
        Facing a harsh new environment for corporate funding
        Bank funding strategies and the opportunities for bank capital investors
        Ethical issuing and investing and ESG 2.0: what is it?
        Fintech: risks, opportunities but above all: change
        Funding the State – new approaches to the national debt
        Black swans: what could possibly go wrong?
        Opportunities in the inflation-linked bond market

    This year there will also be a section of the agenda with a focus on bank capital for FIG issuers and investors. The roundtable format of the sessions will allow you to get involved and join in with the conversation.

    To view the new sessions, topics for discussion and speakers confirmed so far, check out the latest agenda.

    Don’t miss out on one of the biggest meetings of debt capital market participants globally. Apply for your place today!


     “The Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum is always a great chance to hear from leading investment firms and issuers on the latest trends and strategies in the market. It’s also a great chance to reconnect with others in the industry. It’s one not to miss if you’re a bond professional.”

    Kenneth Volpert, Head of Investments, Europe and Global Head of Fixed Income Indexing, Vanguard


    “The conference is a great opportunity to meet the international capital market community - lively discussions and fruitful meetings are successfully combined on this event.”
    Petra Wehlert, First Vice President, Head of Capital Markets, KfW Bankengruppe


    “One of the best financial conferences of the year with a very good mix of presentations and discussion panels on key topics in the fixed income universe. As usual, very well attended with participants from Europe, the US and Asia.”
    Richard Butler, Head of Credit Analysis, Amundi


    “A key networking conference to meet people from the financial industry.”
    Paul Dudouit, Managing Director, Head of Medium and Long Term Funding, Crédit Foncier

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