World  Business and Economic Analysis 

This section is aimed at investors, business Investor groupings and networks and those working with Investor s or working with early stage funds. You will find information and key developments in the market place as well as details of the Enterprise Investment Scheme tax break including the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme and the new £50m Investor Co-Fund. You will also find out how to access investment opportunities through our Members & Services Directory. If you want to participate in company pitching events, you should also visit our Upcoming Events. The site also gives you access to latest policy developments and up to date guidance on Legal & Regulatory Issues.
we  advise you to send us E-mail to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. which  our experts will help you find out everything you need to know about Business Investor investing and help you decide if you would like to get involved in supporting the growth of Iran’s entrepreneurs. We bring you information, knowledge and advice about Business Investor investing, drawn from investors with many years’ experience in investing, as well as technical experts in the legal and financial aspects. It will take you through the key steps of Investor investing, looking at the Risks & Rewards, the Benefits to you and how to take advantage of tax breaks, how to make effective investments, how to get involved in Investor investing activities in your area as well as access to downloadable fact sheets and links to further advice.
World Business Year  Projects for Investment
WBY  is at the forefront of sourcing projects data from across the region, giving you the most comprehensive, up-to-date view of market conditions in your area of interest.

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