World  Business and Economic Analysis 


Our readers interested in to know what are procedures of project finance by International financier.

Following are some general rules among project financier .




Our core business is financing and developing hotels, resorts, theme parks and other tourist-based land development projects but we also consider construction projects in a broad range of other industries including residential housing, commercial property, transport, manufacturing, energy, agriculture and mining. To interest us, a project must usually have either a unique selling proposition or a strong combination of supporting factors.

What factors do your analysts consider when evaluating a project for financing?
Political and economic stability of the country in which the project is to be based, likely return on investment, market saturation, geographical location, site accessibility and many other factors.

Do you finance projects which do not have a significant construction component?
Only very rarely do we consider projects which do not have a construction component.

Which countries do you operate in?
We will consider projects in most countries including those listed on our project finance territories page.

Which countries do you not operate in?
Currently, we are not considering projects in a number of countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and Palestine.

Do you finance projects valued at less than $5,000,000?
No. Our lower threshold to consider a project for financing is $5,000,000.

Do you finance projects which have no equity?
No. In the current economic climate we expect all project finance applicants to put equity into their own project.

Do you finance projects in which construction has started?
No. We do not get involved in projects which are under construction.

Do you finance projects which are solely land acquisitions?
No. We are not interested in financing the purchase of land when the project does not include developing the land.

Do you finance projects which are acquisitions of existing projects?
No. We do not finance acquisitions of projects which are already operating.

Do you refinance projects?
No. We are not interested in projects which have already received finance but which need to restructure their finance.

Do you provide bridging finance?
No. We are not interested in projects which need bridging finance.



What is your business model?
Unlike many providers in the project finance industry we do not charge upfront finance provision fees. We obtain our commission as a success fee which is paid to us at the same time finance is placed with the project. This success fee model has a number of significant implications.

    Our clients do not have to commit to paying upfront finance provision fees.
    If we do not provide finance for a project, we do not receive a success fee, so we are only interested in financeable projects.
    We operate strict application procedures designed to eliminate applications for non-financeable projects before they generate administrative costs.

Do you charge upfront finance provision fees?
No, we do not charge upfront finance provision fees.

How do you obtain your fees?
We obtain our fees as a percentage of the finance placed in the project through us.

Why have you chosen this project finance model?
Since we do not make a profit unless we provide finance for a project, our clients know that if we are prepared to put time and effort into a project we must be confident that we have good prospects of providing finance for the project.

How long has your business model been in operation?
Our business model and its project evaluation procedures have been in operation since 1983. Our methodology has been tested and proven by real-world experience.



What do I need to understand about your project finance application procedure?
Due to the very high volume of applications we receive it is absolutely essential that we operate very efficient application procedures. Our systems are designed to present our analysts with the information they need when they need it. All applicants are required to adhere to these procedures. We automatically reject almost all applications which unnecessarily add to our administrative burden.

What happens during the first phase of the project finance application procedure?
Initially your application will be evaluated by our analysts only and is not brought to the attention of our executives. During this phase, we do not enter into any form of discussion nor do we respond to individual enquiries whether by email, postal correspondence, phone calls or meetings, nor do we read feasibility studies, business plans or other documentation. Although this may appear to be somewhat impersonal it is the only method by which we can manage the very large number of enquiries we are currently receiving. If our analysts like your application it is then passed to our executives for their consideration otherwise we will email you with a rejection. Executive time is our most precious resource and we allocate it only when there are compelling reasons to do so. Consequently our executives only become involved at a later stage of your application.

Would you please give a step-by-step description of your project finance application procedure?
Yes. Please thoroughly familiarise yourself with our project finance application procedure which is as follows:

    First, you must fully complete our online project finance enquiry form.
    We respond by email, usually within one or two working days, saying whether we are potentially interested in your project or not.
    If we are potentially interested in your project we will email you with a comprehensive project finance application form which you must fully complete and return.
    We email you to say that we have received the application form and that it has been passed to our analysts who then evaluate the information you have provided, this process currently takes about four weeks.
    Our analysts make a recommendation to our executives who decide whether or not we should take your project further and we email you accordingly.
    If we wish to take your project further we will offer you a site visit and email you with documentation detailing our international experience and other supporting information.
    You accept or decline our site visit offer.
    If you accept our offer of a site visit, the site visit takes place at a mutually agreed time.

Do you process applications which do not fully comply with your application procedures?
No. Please note that we do not process applications that do not fully comply with our requirement for efficient procedures.

How do I apply for project finance through you?
The first step is to fully complete our short online project finance enquiry form.



What is the purpose of the online project finance enquiry form?
The online project finance enquiry form provides us with a quick overview of your project. This will enable us to determine whether it is worth your time and ours in proceeding to a full application by your completing our comprehensive project finance application form.

I have more than one project which I want to finance, do I have to fill out separate online project finance enquiry forms for each project?
Yes. We assess each project individually on its own merits so we require separate applications for each project.

In which language should I complete the online project finance enquiry form?
We would prefer you to complete the online project finance enquiry form English but you may complete it in any language.

Should I complete the Project Finance Details section of the project finance enquiry form in my local currency or in US dollars?
You must complete the Project Finance Details section in US dollars.

What happens after I submit the online project finance enquiry form?
We review the information in the form and then contact you, typically within one or two working days, informing you whether or not we are potentially interested in your project.

I have not completed your online project finance enquiry form but I sent you details of my project and I have not heard from you. Why is this?
It is a requirement that you fully complete our online project finance enquiry form to be considered as a possible applicant for project finance.

I completed your online project finance enquiry form for my project which does not meet your stated project eligibility criteria and I have not heard from you. Why is this?
We no longer have time to respond to enquiries which do not meet our clearly stated project eligibility criteria.

I completed your online project finance enquiry form for my project which meets your stated project eligibility criteria but I have not heard from you. Why is this?
We sometimes do not respond if the online project finance enquiry form has been inadequately or incorrectly completed. Common errors include not fully completing the form, putting multiple projects on one form, not stating financial information in US dollars or providing an incorrect email address.

I have experienced difficulty submitting your online project finance enquiry form - what should I do?
If you have a slow or restricted Internet connection it is possible that you may experience difficulty in submitting our online project finance enquiry form. In this case please simply type the required information into an email and send it to the email address at the bottom of this page.

Do you always respond to an enquiry made via your online project finance enquiry form providing that the project meets your eligibility criteria and is correctly completed?
Yes. Even if we decide not to pursue your project we email you accordingly, typically within one or two business days.

What are the most common reasons for your rejecting a project at this stage?
The most common reasons for our rejecting a project at this stage are: the project is valued at less than $5,000,000; the project is already under construction; the project requires 100% finance; the project does not have a sufficient construction component, the project is located in a region in which we are currently not operating or the project is an acquisition of an existing project.

If you are interested in my project as expressed in the online project finance enquiry form, what happens next?
We will send you, by email, a comprehensive project finance application form for you to complete and return.



In which language should I complete the project finance application form?
Unlike the online project finance enquiry form, you must complete the project finance application form in English. We do not process project finance application forms which are not in English.

What are my obligations when I submit a project finance application form?
There is no obligation whatever either on you or on us.

How much do you charge to process a project finance application form?
There is no charge for processing a project finance application form.

How long does it take to process a project finance application form?
It currently requires about four weeks for our analysts to process a fully completed project finance application form. We do not process project finance application forms which have not been fully completed.

In what format should I return the project finance application form?
The project finance application form must be returned as a single document or file. We do not accept project finance application forms which have been scanned into separate pages and then returned as multiple files attached to an email.

If you have a representative in my country may I discuss my project with him or her before submitting a project finance application form?
No. We first need to determine whether we are interested in your project so you must complete and return our project finance application form before we put you in contact with our representative.

What happens if you reject my project finance application?
We will email you indicating that your application has been unsuccessful.

What happens if you approve my project finance application?
We will email you with an offer of a site visit and information concerning the visit and the way forward.



What criteria must my project meet to be offered a site visit?
We offer a site visit only if, on the basis of the information you have provided, we believe your project is potentially viable, financeable and profitable.
What is the purpose of the site visit?
The site visit enables one of our senior executives:

    To view the site and its environment and meet you, your business partners, managers and other project stakeholders.
    To review the project plans, studies, documents, drawings, tests and surveys and confirm the accuracy of the information you have submitted to us.
    To discuss and consider the management structure for the project.
    To determine the degree to which the local population understand and want your project and to discuss planning and building regulations with local, and in the case of large projects, national officials.
    To provide the project stakeholders with an independent and objective view of the project.
    To form a view on how best to progress the project and consider future procedures, timings, requirements and development costs.

How long does the site visit take?
The length of a site visit depends on the scale and nature of the project but a typical site visit takes about three days.

What are my obligations in agreeing to a site visit?
If you are not already known to us you are required to pre-pay a return business class airfare ticket from London to your project site and local site visit expenses for one of our senior executives.

Do you charge a consultancy fee for the site visit?
No. We do not charge a consultancy fee for the site visit.

How do I pay the business class airfare?
Airfares are not paid to us but must be paid directly to our UK travel agents, a long established company. We never have possession of your airfare funds.

What happens after I pay the airfare to your travel agents?
Once the airfare has been paid to our travel agents, we will send you an agenda for the site visit and an information pack with client references.

Why do you require prepayment of site visit costs?
Before we commit executive time to a project we need to ensure that you really believe you have a viable project. We have to be certain you are not wasting our time so we use airfare prepayment as an essential mechanism to screen out applicants who are not seriously committed to, or have no real intention of, developing their own project.

Are the site visit costs refundable?
Yes. Site visit costs are refunded in full when you engage us to finance your project.

I would like to provide you with the air ticket rather than provide you with the funds to purchase the air ticket. Is this possible?
No. Unfortunately, this would breach IATA and airline regulations. Travelling on tickets not issued in accordance with IATA regulations would invalidate our insurance cover.

During the site visit what happens if you form the view that it will not be possible to finance my project?
If we think your project is not financially viable we will state this clearly at the end of the site visit. However, we never commit executive time to a site visit unless we are confident that the project is financially viable. It is therefore unusual for us to reject a project at the end of the site visit.

What happens after the site visit?
After the site visit we send you a report of our findings including our proposal on how to move your project forward.

What do I need to do to prepare my project for financing?
Usually, you must acquire the land and the project must be supported by the relevant government permits and project documentation.



How important is project documentation?
High quality project documentation is absolutely essential for the success of your project. Globally, there are more projects seeking finance than there is international finance available to fund them. Consequently, in this competitive financial environment, investors, who are busy people, do not waste time on projects with inadequately prepared documentation. Lenders have to be absolutely convinced that your project is a solid investment before they will invest in it. Your project documentation is the primary means of achieving this.

What documentation do I need to prepare my project for financing?
Each project is unique but each project requires documentation produced to international investment standards typically including a market feasibility study with competition analysis; a financial feasibility study modelled on cash flow with detailed departmental costs, profit centre projections, a ten year forecast, profit and loss projections, a risk analysis, hard and soft costs and detailed exit year calculations; a business plan with professional management structure and non-compete agreements; a development budget with a detailed statement of all expenditure to be incurred prior to the project opening including contingency provisions; an initial outline architectural master plan; a final architectural master plan and a private placement memorandum with an executive summary of the feasibility studies, due diligence search findings, architectural concepts and profit and loss calculations. Additionally, an environmental impact assessment and a social impact assessment, including a defence anticipating possible objections from the public, local or government authorities or other organisations may be required. Each project also typically requires the appropriate local and government authority permits to allow the construction of the project.

Who should produce the documentation for my project?
International investors are only interested in a ruthlessly objective view of your project so it is essential that your project documentation is independently prepared by internationally experienced analysts with a proven track record. You too should only be interested in an independent and objective view of your project, if your project does not stand up to independent objective scrutiny you should consider whether it is a good use of your time searching for investment from the international project finance market as such a search may well prove futile.

Can you produce the documentation for my project?
Yes. We are happy to produce your project documentation as this gives us control over its quality. We have a very highly experienced team which produces comprehensive market and financial feasibility studies, business plans, architectural plans, environmental surveys and all aspects of project documentation. We produce the documentation for most, but not all, of the projects which we approve for financing. To obtain our finance provision fees we need your project to attract finance so we typically carry out these works at cost.

Do you insist on producing the documentation for my project?
No. You are completely free to engage a third party to produce your project documentation but it must be produced to international investment standards. We do not provide finance for projects which have inadequate documentation. If your project documentation is produced by a third party it will be necessary for us to analyse and approve it before we can approve your project for financing.

I have not yet prepared my project documentation, should I engage internationally experienced analysts to write it now or should I contact you first?
You should contact us first. Please fully complete our online project finance enquiry form indicating that you have not yet prepared your project documentation.

My project documentation was prepared by internationally experienced analysts, will you approve it?
Possibly. We will have to perform our own independent analysis of your documentation to determine whether it meets the appropriate international standards. Since this is a time-consuming process we reserve the right to charge for our research and analysis time.

What mistakes are made by managers who have never developed a significant project before?
A common error made by managers who have not developed a significant project is to employ accountants or others who have never developed a significant project, to prepare their project documentation. This almost invariably results in documentation which international investors find completely unconvincing.

My project documentation was prepared by an accountant, will this be adequate for raising project finance?
No, it is most unlikely. Your project documentation must be of sufficient quality to convince experienced international investors to invest in your project. If the people who prepared your project documentation do not have a proven and successful international track record of producing documentation for your type and scale of project it is very unlikely that your documentation will attract the attention of serious professional investors.

My project documentation is inadequate by international project finance investment standards, will you consider approving my project for financing?
No. We only approve projects which have international standard documentation prepared by experienced international analysts. You must arrange for the production of documentation of this quality either through us or through a third party acceptable to us.

Why do you only approve projects with high quality documentation?
We usually have to provide lenders with financial guarantees for the first three years of a project's operation. If your project fails to meet the financial targets stated in the project documentation we forfeit our security, so we have no interest in projects which have inaccurate, incomplete or unsupported data. It is not possible to raise international project finance with inadequate documentation and therefore we only approve projects supported by international investment standard documentation.

How much does it cost to produce project documentation?
The cost of producing project documentation depends on the scale, nature and complexity of the project.

How is the data for the financial feasibility study derived?
It is essential that the data in your financial feasibility study is derived from the real-world cash flow performance of comparable existing projects and is not based on assumptions. Financial feasibility studies based on assumptions uncorroborated by real-world data comparisons carry no weight with international investors. To attract finance, your project must have a realistic profit and loss forecast and be able to demonstrate an acceptable internal rate of return.

Should I have a material disclosure statement in my project documentation?
Yes. You should incorporate a material disclosure statement in your project documentation confirming that you have not supplied data for the market feasibility study or the financial feasibility study. This gives potential investors confidence that the financial data in the core project studies is independent and objective.

My project is viable but my lack of management and operational experience is a weakness in my business plan. Can you help me?
Yes. Lenders are averse to risk and are therefore disinclined to invest in projects in which the managers do not have strong operational and managerial experience. We provide managers who have strong industry experience to incorporate into the business plan management structure to give confidence to the investors that their investment will be protected by experienced and proven managers. All such provision of personnel is subject to contract.

What happens while the project documentation is being prepared?
While the project documentation is being prepared we usually start our due diligence procedure and the project financing process.



How do you provide project finance?
We form a syndicate comprising a number of professional international investors and lenders. From the investors' viewpoint, the advantage of being a member of a syndicate rather than the sole investor is that it spreads the risk for the project and each investor can see that other investors have independently concluded that the project is viable and profitable.

Who are the members of the lending syndicate?
The syndicate is typically composed of a variety of investors including hedge funds, institutional investors, government investors, private investors, investment banks, investor groups, money market funds, mutual funds, pension funds and venture capital firms selected from our private database of professional investors and lenders. We have associates who are retained by national banks and financial institutions as project advisors.

When is the syndicate formed?
The syndicate is formed after your project documentation has been completed, verified and approved by us.

What happens after the syndicate is formed?
After the syndicate is formed we typically offer you a number of loan proposals.

How do the lenders know that the information in my project documentation is accurate and reliable?
The lenders require us to independently analyse and where appropriate approve your project documentation.

How do the lenders know that your approval of my project is trustworthy?
We are usually required to provide financial guarantees to the lenders to support projects approved by us.

Do the lenders require you to financially guarantee my project?
Yes. When we approve a project, the lenders usually require us to provide financial guarantees for the first three years of your project's operation. If the project fails to meet its financial objectives as defined in the feasibility studies and business plan, the lenders are legally entitled to retain the guarantees we have provided in compensation. It is therefore essential that we have complete confidence in the accuracy of the project documentation.

Am I required to supply the lenders with financial guarantees?
No. You are not usually required to supply financial guarantees to the lenders.

Do you guarantee providing me with the required project financing?
No. Every project has an element of risk.

What is the likelihood of you providing me with the required project financing?
The likelihood of a project being financed depends on project viability, projected profitability, the quality of the project documentation, prevailing economic conditions and other factors.

How long does it take to finance a project?
The time required to finance a project varies greatly from project to project and is primarily determined by the project's scale, complexity, nature, marketability, the prevailing economic conditions and the readiness of the project to go to market.

Do you act on my behalf or on the investors' behalf during the project financing process?
Neither. We maintain very strict independence from you and from the lenders during the project financing process.

Why do you maintain independence from me and the investors during the project financing process?
To have the necessary confidence to invest, lenders must have complete confidence that we are presenting them with a fair, accurate, objective and independent evaluation of your project.

When do you receive your project finance provision success fee from me?
We receive our finance provision fee success fee from you only when finance is actually placed with your project.

Do you accept finance provision fees from me before finance is placed with my project?
No. Lenders would not regard us as being independent from you if we received finance provision fees from you before finance is placed with your project.

Do you contribute to project development costs?
No. Lenders would not regard us as being independent from you if we took a stake in your project.

Are you interested in entering a joint venture at the start of a project?
No. Lenders would not regard us as being independent from you if we entered a joint venture with you.

Will you invest financially in my project?
If the lenders do not appoint us as loan supervisors we may join the lending syndicate.

When does due diligence occur?
Due diligence typically occurs at the same time as the project financing process.

What does due diligence entail?
We perform documented due diligence on project stakeholders including directors, shareholders and senior managers. We make wide-ranging enquiries concerning the stakeholders who are required to answer and sign a questionnaire which we make available to lenders. We usually perform our due diligence service at our own cost and therefore at no charge to you.



How are you able to provide finance with the prevailing financial conditions in the international banking sector?
Banks typically provide only a very small percentage of the finance we provide. We obtain our finance from sources other than banks.

Do you use brokers to finance projects?
No, we do not use brokers to assist in providing project finance. We use our own sources of international project finance.

I do not own the land on which my project is to be built, I have no money to put into the project and I can offer no security, is it still possible for me to obtain finance through you?
No. Under current market conditions we are unable to provide project finance for projects in which the applicant has zero equity. Investors require that the applicant shares some of the risk.

I have a time-critical project which will fail if it is not financed soon. Do you provide finance for time-critical projects?
No. To ensure that we retain our lenders' trust we analyse projects with great care to minimise their risk. This takes time so we do not become involved in time-critical projects.

Do you provide seed capital for projects?
No. We do not provide seed capital for projects.

Do you provide Islamic finance?
No. We provide finance for projects in Islamic countries but we do not provide Islamic finance.

I am developing a project and I have a bank guarantee or similar financial instrument, will you provide me with project finance?
We only consider finance provision for projects which fully meet our criteria. If your project does not meet our criteria we will not be interested in your project even if you have a bank guarantee or similar financial instrument.

I am not developing a project but I have a bank guarantee or similar financial instrument, will you provide me with finance?
No. We do not provide finance other than in support of projects which fully meet our criteria.

I am seeking finance for a non-profit organisation, can you help me?
Possibly. We are strictly commercial but we are prepared to assist non-profit organisations subject to our usual terms.



What are your loan interest rates?
Interest rates are determined by perceived degree of risk, market conditions, lender sentiment and other factors prevailing at the time of the loan agreement, therefore loan interest rates can only be determined shortly before the loan agreement is closed.

What is your loan repayment period?
The loan repayment period is determined by a number of factors including project scale, projected return on investment and other economic indicators. The loan repayment period therefore can only be determined after we have performed a comprehensive project analysis.

What happens if I do not wish to accept any of your loan proposals?
There is no obligation whatever on you to accept any of the loan proposals. You have the absolute right to accept or reject any of the proposals.

Do I have to pay a penalty if I do not accept any of your loan proposals?
No. There is no penalty whatever if you prefer not to accept any of our loan proposals.

Am I under any obligation to accept finance from you?
No. You are under absolutely no obligation whatever to accept finance through us.

How do you obtain your fees?
We charge a 5% success commission fee on all finance accepted through us.

When do I pay you your success fee?
At the same time that finance is placed with your project.

How much do you charge for due diligence?
We do not charge for due diligence for projects which we are financing. We do not offer our due diligence services to projects for which we are not providing finance.



Can you provide references from former clients?
Yes. After the site visit has been arranged an information pack which includes references will be sent to you.

Can you provide me with a letter of intent?
Yes. After the site visit if, as is usually the case, we decide to proceed with your project we are happy to provide you with a letter of intent. We will provide a letter of intent only after we have met the project stakeholders and approved the project as a result of the site visit.



What is the difference between a broker and a representative?
A broker introduces project finance applicants to us but does not represent us. A representative introduces project finance applicants to us and also represents us.

I am a broker, do you pay commission to brokers for introducing projects to you?
Yes. We pay commission to brokers for introducing projects to us.

How much commission do you pay to brokers for introducing projects to you?
The amount of commission we pay to brokers is determined on a project-by-project basis and is subject to written agreement.

When do you pay commission to brokers for introducing projects to you?
The commission we pay to brokers is paid when we receive our success fee.

I am a broker and I would like to introduce you to some project finance applicants, how do I proceed?
Each day we receive many applications from brokers. In the past we have held sometimes very lengthy discussions with a broker only for the broker to eventually present us with a number of unrealistic, non-financeable low-quality projects. This has resulted in a great deal of time being wasted. Since we receive our commission only when finance is placed with a project, we have absolutely no interest in projects which we believe we will not be able to finance. Consequently we now require all brokers to demonstrate that they have at least one viable project before we enter any form of discussion. To do this please follow the standard application procedure by completing the online project finance enquiry form. Please note that separate projects must be on separate forms. There is no need to divulge your client's identity at this early stage, simply give your name (state that you are a broker) and contact details in lieu of your client's name and contact details.

I would like to be your exclusive broker for a particular region. Would you agree to this?
No. We do not offer brokers exclusive regional rights.


Are you looking for representatives in particular territories?
Yes. We are interested in discussing representation in various territories. However, as our good name is involved, we are highly selective in who we appoint as our representatives.

In which countries do you have permanent representation?
We have permanent representation in a number of countries including China, Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, the Philippines, Russia and the USA.

How long is the application process to become a representative?
It typically takes many months to become our representative. We do not appoint representatives lightly.

I would like to be considered as a representative, how do I proceed?
Please follow the standard application procedure by completing the online project finance enquiry form, for your project which you think will most interest us, indicating that you wish to be a representative. Also, please email a copy of your resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I would like to meet you to discuss the possibility of becoming your representative, where can we meet?
We will be happy to meet you at a site visit. In the past we have held sometimes very lengthy communications with candidate representatives only to eventually establish that the candidate lacks the necessary experience of international project finance to represent us. This has resulted in a great deal of time being wasted. Consequently we now require all candidate representatives to demonstrate that they have at least one viable project before we enter any form of discussion. To do this please follow the standard application procedure by completing the online project finance enquiry form. Please note that separate projects must be on separate forms. There is no need to divulge your client's identity at this early stage, simply give your name (state that you wish to be our representative) and contact details in lieu of your client's name and contact details.

Do you have a work placement scheme?
No. Our work requires experienced staff which we recruit internally.



I have not submitted an online project finance enquiry form, however I have emailed you but you have not responded to my email. Why is this?
We do not respond to emails or hold discussions in any form until we have a clear understanding of your project expressed in writing by fully completing our finance application form. You must first complete the online project finance enquiry form if you have a project for which you are seeking finance.

I have not submitted an online project finance enquiry form, however I have telephoned you but you have not returned my call. Why is this?
We do not return calls or hold discussions in any form until we have a clear understanding of your project expressed in writing by fully completing our finance application form. You must first complete the online project finance enquiry form if you have a project for which you are seeking finance.

I've got a great idea for a project for which I need finance, can I phone you or meet you to tell you all about it?
No. First, please complete our online project finance enquiry form. We do not delegate executive time to phone calls or meetings, nor do we read business plans or other documentation during the early stages of an application.

Instead of completing your forms I want to send you my business plan or other documentation. Is this acceptable to you?
No. Our analysts do not have time to extract information from unrequested documentation. We therefore have the strict policy that we only evaluate documentation that we have specifically requested, so please do not send us documentation until we specifically request it. You must first complete our online project finance enquiry form.

Instead of completing and returning your project finance application form I sent you my feasibility studies, business plan or other documentation but I have not heard from you. Why is this?
Every day well-meaning applicants, who clearly have no understanding of the volume of applications we receive, send us a vast amount of documentation, unaware that we do not possibly have time to evaluate unrequested documents. We do not read or review documentation unless we request it and we do not reply to enquiries which do not fully conform to our application procedures. If you elect not to return our forms we will be unable to process your application.

You have rejected my application but I would like to try to change your mind. Will you agree to discuss this with me?
No. When we reject an application our decision is final. If we reject your project, it does not mean that your project is not viable or financeable, it only means that we do not wish to pursue it.

I fully completed and returned the project finance application form some time ago but I have not heard from you. Should I email you or call you to check that you have received my form?
No. When we receive your project finance application form we send you confirmation by email that we have received your application form and passed it to our analysts. We usually send this confirmation email to you within seven days. If you do not receive our confirmation email within ten days you should email us to ensure that we have received your completed project finance application form. If you have not heard from us after our confirmation email we have not yet decided whether we wish to proceed with your project or not. We automatically contact all applicants as soon as we have reached a decision. Please note that this can take several weeks depending on how busy our analysts are. Please do not contact us during this period, rest assured that you will receive our decision as soon as we have made it.

I want to apply for project finance through you but I want to do it my way and I do not wish to follow your procedures. Are you interested in this?
No. Please note that we automatically reject all applications that do not fully conform to our project finance application procedures.



Do your executives accept or return calls from unknown callers?
No. Previously we were telephoned by applicants wanting to tell us about their projects many of which were clearly non-financeable or by callers trying to sell us office supplies or office cleaning, security, chauffeur, taxi, courier or other services. We therefore no longer accept or return calls unless it concerns a project which we have already evaluated and approved.

Why is your telephone number no longer on your website?
We were receiving a large and increasing number of telephone calls asking for information which is clearly stated on our website, this resulted in us wasting a very considerable amount of time. To avoid this waste of time we now require all new applicants to complete our online project finance enquiry form.

I would like to telephone you how can I do this?
Please complete our online project finance enquiry form we will email our response to you, typically in one or two working days and we will include our telephone number in our reply. Generally, however, we prefer to communicate in writing via email as this greatly reduces the possibility of misunderstanding and provides a permanent record of what has been said.



Would you like to be on our email list?
No. All unrequested emails distributed via a list are automatically deleted from our system without being read. All emails sent to us but not addressed to us in the email 'To:' or 'Cc:' fields are automatically deleted without being read.

I have completed your online project finance enquiry form with a project which meets your criteria and I have emailed you several times but I have not received a reply, why is this?
Please ensure that your email system will accept replies from us and that your email system is not rejecting our emails.

We do not appear to be receiving emails from you, what should we do?
Please ensure that your email system will accept emails from us and is not blocking our emails.

I would like to email you some zip files or compressed files - where should I send them to?
We do not accept unrequested zip or compressed files. All unrequested zip or compressed files are automatically deleted from our system and are never unzipped or decompressed.

Would you like to join me on Skype, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Skoost, Netlog, Badoo, ICQ etc?
No. Please do not send us invitations for these or any similar services. We are a professional organisation and we do not communicate via these channels.

I use Boxbe or a similar email spam prevention service, will you please verify your emails to me?
No. This adds to our administrative burden so we do not verify emails for services like Boxbe. If you use Boxbe or a similar service you must look in your waitlist for emails from us.



What is your language of communication?
All our communications are in English.

My preferred language is not English and I want to receive a copy of the project finance application form in my preferred language and complete it in my preferred language. Is this possible?
No. Our project analysts only speak English, consequently our project finance application forms are only available in English and must be completed in English.

Do you offer a translation service for my preferred language?
No. It is your responsibility to arrange for translation between our English communications and your preferred language.

What is the official language of your website?
English is the official language of this website. The English version is authoritative over all versions of this website in other languages.



Do you act as legal, tax or other professional advisors, or give legal, tax or other professional advice?
No, we do not act as legal, tax or other professional advisors. We strongly recommend that you obtain appropriate independent tax and legal advice.

Do you offer your services in any country in which you are not registered or licensed and in which your services would be subject to registration or licensing?
No. We do not offer our services in any country in which we are not registered or licensed and in which our services would be subject to registration or licensing.

Is your website copyright?
Yes. Our website is strictly copyright and neither it nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form without our prior written consent.



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