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Now in its second year, the Infrastructure Investor Tokyo Forum will discuss the latest investment trends with the leading Japanese investors – and what market developments are attracting their attention.

As Japanese institutional investors and asset owners look to increase their allocations to infrastructure, now is the time to connect with the decision makers and find out what is driving the asset class in Japan.

    Considerations for investing in infrastructure: What do Japanese investors need to know about the current market when constructing their portfolios?
    Infrastructure debt: The rise of global infrastructure debt as an emerging asset class: and how to successfully invest in it
    Finding value: As competition for infrastructure assets increases, in which areas can you find the most competitive valuations
    Infrastructure in a portfolio: What is the best fit for infrastructure in a portfolio for the investor new to alternatives?
    Energy: How does energy infrastructure fit into a global investment portfolio

Join 70+ Japanese LPs and more than 100 infrastructure experts from 15 countries and be part of the next wave of infrastructure investment.

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