World  Business and Economic Analysis 



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that the government is making efforts to decrease the rate of inflation below 20 percent and get the country out of recession.


"The package of the government's acts on this sphere (get the country out of recession) has been prepared. It will be entirely unveiled for experts and entrepreneurs," Rouhani said in the conference of heads of Iranian missions abroad on Monday.

He further added that the government's plan on economy aims to get the country out of recession, flourishing and booming economy, curbing inflation and has nothing to do with success or failure of talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany on Iranian nuclear issue.

The Iranian President also lauded the government's function on curbing inflation, and said, "The government's performance on this area has been unprecedented… We promised to lessen the rate of inflation below 25 percent and God willing, we can decrease it below 20 percent."


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