World  Business and Economic Analysis 


 A French delegation from the Law School of Sorbonne University have visited Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University (SRBIAU) in Tehran.

During the visit, Dean of Environment and Energy Faculty of IAU Majid Abbaspour provided the visiting group with some explanations on the features of the Science and Research branch such as post-graduate students, the educational atmosphere as well as the universities departments.

“International collaborations of the university marks a positive step towards creation of cooperation contracts, expansion of international ties in professor and student transfer, holding scientific and educational workshops as well as formation of research and study projects,” he added.

Abbaspour deemed the visit of European professors and researchers as a good opportunity for familiarizing them with the real Islam especially in the present time.

The head of the French delegation also highlighted the close relations of Sorbonne Univeristy with the world’s universities and scientific institutions adding “these collaborations can either lead to one joint certificate or two separate certificates.”

He further referred to Sorbonne’s modern equipment and laboratories; “the university’s activities mainly focus on research projects," he asserted.

The French official pointed out the existence of four branches of Sorbonne University in various parts of the world including Buenos Aires concluding “collaborations of the French university particularly in law and economics fields cover vast areas in the US, Hong Kong as well as Islamic and Arab countries.


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