World  Business and Economic Analysis 


World Business Year  offers a wide range of short-courses designed to meet  your training need .

WBY plays a vital role in the training and development of human capital in the world . Our commitment to excellence has strengthened our position as the top provider of quality education across all major business disciplines.

We as World Business Year International contracted with highly   potential lecturers   and advisors for training international finance.
They have high extensive international sustainable development
experience.  Impact investment, corporate and project finance,
debt/equity markets, asset valuation and due diligence, capital
markets development, transaction advisory, financial sector reform, to
my work.   Their accomplishments encompass risk management and
mitigation, contract management, infrastructure fund project
management, capacity building, project cycle control, and public
private partnership contractual options across a range of sectors.
1-International Finance
2-International payment
3- Swift and Messages
4-How do you attract Investors for your project?
5- Project Finance in practice
6-Financial Communication
7-Understanding International Master credit Agreement
8-International Banking
9-International compliance
10-Treasury Management in theory and practice

If you or know any company that need  training or consultancy please send us your requirement to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
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Investment Consulting &Project Finance


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